Thursday 10 April 2008

Friday 7th March 2008 - How Old Am I? or Guess the Age of the Building!

Long time no write in my journal - so anyway the historic walks around Holborn have started again so I thought I would start my weekly write ups and hope you find them interesting and informative!

To start off the new season we had a quiz - How Old Am I? or Guess the age of the building - so have a look at the photos below and see if you can guess in what year these buildings were completed. You just may be surprised - I know I was!

We begin with:

From top to bottom: Holborn Station (the whole building not just the station); 57-58 Lincoln's Inn Fields; St. Anselms & St. Caecilias Church, Kingsway

From top to bottom: Africa House; Aviation House (both in Kingsway); and Victoria House (front and side views)

From top to bottom: Summit House, Red Lion Square; Tudor House; Mid City Place (2 views) High Holborn and finally First Avenue House, High Holborn.

I managed to get two spot on, two at least 50 years out and the remainder only a few years out.

I will post the answers in a couple of days - why not have a go (and no cheating!)

I will say at least one of the answers is somewhere in my journal!

All photos copyright Orlicat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are fascinating blogs - thanks